168 lines
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// Sass Utilities
// ==============
// - Susy Error Output Override [variable]
// - Susy Error [function]
// Susy Error Output Override
// --------------------------
/// Turn off error output for testing
/// @group x-utility
/// @access private
$_susy-error-output-override: false !default;
// Susy Error
// ----------
/// Optionally return error messages without failing,
/// as a way to test error cases
/// @group x-utility
/// @access private
/// @param {string} $message -
/// A useful error message, explaining the problem
/// @param {string} $source -
/// The original source of the error for debugging
/// @param {bool} $override [$_susy-error-output-override] -
/// Optionally return the error rather than failing
/// @return {string} -
/// Combined error with source and message
/// @throws When `$override == true`
@function _susy-error(
$override: $_susy-error-output-override
) {
@if $override {
@return 'ERROR [#{$source}] #{$message}';
@error '[#{$source}] #{$message}';
// Su Is Comparable
// ----------------
/// Check that the units in a grid are comparable
/// @group x-validation
/// @access private
/// @param {numbers} $lengths… -
/// Arglist of all the number values to compare
/// (columns, gutters, span, etc)
/// @return {'fluid' | 'static' | false} -
/// The type of span (fluid or static) when units match,
/// or `false` for mismatched units
@function _su-is-comparable(
) {
$first: nth($lengths, 1);
@if (length($lengths) == 1) {
@return if(unitless($first), 'fluid', 'static');
@for $i from 2 through length($lengths) {
$comp: nth($lengths, $i);
$fail: not comparable($first, $comp);
$fail: $fail or (unitless($first) and not unitless($comp));
$fail: $fail or (unitless($comp) and not unitless($first));
@if $fail {
@return false;
@return if(unitless($first), 'fluid', 'static');
// Su Map Add Units
// ----------------
/// The calc features use a map of units and values
/// to compile the proper algorythm.
/// This function adds a new value to any comparable existing unit/value,
/// or adds a new unit/value pair to the map
/// @group x-utility
/// @access private
/// @param {map} $map -
/// A map of unit/value pairs, e.g. ('px': 120px)
/// @param {length} $value -
/// A new length to be added to the map
/// @return {map} -
/// The updated map, with new value added
/// @example scss -
/// $map: (0px: 120px);
/// $map: _su-map-add-units($map, 1in); // add a comparable unit
/// $map: _su-map-add-units($map, 3vw); // add a new unit
/// @each $units, $value in $map {
/// /* #{$units}: #{$value} */
/// }
@function _su-map-add-units(
) {
$unit: $value * 0;
$has: map-get($map, $unit) or 0;
@if ($has == 0) {
@each $try, $could in $map {
$match: comparable($try, $value);
$unit: if($match, $try, $unit);
$has: if($match, $could, $has);
@return map-merge($map, ($unit: $has + $value));
// Susy Flatten
// ------------
/// Flatten a multidimensional list
/// @group x-utility
/// @access private
/// @param {list} $list -
/// The list to be flattened
/// @return {list} -
/// The flattened list
/// @example scss -
/// $list: 120px (30em 30em) 120px;
/// /* #{_susy-flatten($list)} */
@function _susy-flatten(
) {
$flat: ();
// Don't iterate over maps
@if (type-of($list) == 'map') {
@return $list;
// Iterate over lists (or single items)
@each $item in $list {
@if (type-of($item) == 'list') {
$item: _susy-flatten($item);
$flat: join($flat, $item);
} @else {
$flat: append($flat, $item);
// Return flattened list
@return $flat;