# Welcome to Jekyll! # # This config file is meant for settings that affect your entire site, values # which you are expected to set up once and rarely need to edit after that. # For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use # `jekyll serve`. If you change this file, please restart the server process. remote_theme: "mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic" # Site Settings lang: en-US title: Basically Basic email: dugan.nash@mailinator.com description: "Your new default Jekyll theme" baseurl: "/jekyll-theme-basically-basic" url: "https://mmistakes.github.io" repository: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes" author: name: Dugan Nash twitter: Towlette_Pettetucci picture: https://api.adorable.io/avatars/285/johndoe.png twitter_username: Towlette_Pettetucci github_username: Towlette_Pettetucci logo: /assets/icons/basically-basic-logo-light.svg google_analytics: UA-2011187-6 disqus: shortname: basically-basic-theme search: true search_full_content: true search_provider: lunr algolia: application_id: # YOUR_APPLICATION_ID index_name: # YOUR_INDEX_NAME search_only_api_key: # YOUR_SEARCH_ONLY_API_KEY powered_by: # true (default), false # Conversion markdown: kramdown highlighter: rouge lsi: false incremental: false # Markdown Processing kramdown: input: GFM hard_wrap: false auto_ids: true footnote_nr: 1 entity_output: as_char toc_levels: 1..6 smart_quotes: lsquo,rsquo,ldquo,rdquo enable_coderay: false # Sass/SCSS sass: sass_dir: _sass style: compressed # http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#output_style # Outputting permalink: /:categories/:title/ timezone: America/New_York # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones # Plugins plugins: # previously gems - jekyll-feed - jekyll-seo-tag - jekyll-sitemap - jekyll-paginate - jekyll-remote-theme # Jekyll Feed feed: path: atom.xml # Pagination - https://jekyllrb.com/docs/pagination/ paginate: 10 paginate_path: /page:num/ # Exclude from processing. # The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list # to override the default setting. # exclude: # - Gemfile # - Gemfile.lock # - node_modules # - vendor/bundle/ # - vendor/cache/ # - vendor/gems/ # - vendor/ruby/ # Front Matter Defaults defaults: # _posts - scope: path: "_posts" type: posts values: layout: post read_time: true