# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [1.1.1] - 2017-09-06 ### Changed - Change `gems` key in `_config.yml` to `plugins`. [#23](https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/pull/23) - Fixed Liquid syntax error: "Expected id but found end_of_string_in `cv.skills.`" in `/cv/skills.html` include. ## [1.1.0] - 2017-03-30 ### Added - Improved installation documentation. [#8](https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/issues/8) - Google Analytics tracking ID, Disqus comments, to `/docs` demo site. ### Changed - Change source order of `.sidebar` and `.canvas` so menu items can easily be "tabbed" to. [#10](https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/issues/10) - Refactor sidebar off-canvas menu and improve animation. [#9](https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/issues/9) [#15](https://github.com/mmistakes/jekyll-theme-basically-basic/issues/15) - Removed tinted background from `