Merge branch 'install-docs'

This commit is contained in:
Michael Rose 2017-03-29 16:33:03 -04:00
commit 9203ae8c49
3 changed files with 193 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -23,7 +23,13 @@ with a few enhancements thrown in for good measure:
## Table of Contents
1. [Installation](#installation)
2. [Configuration](#configuration)
1. [Ruby Gem Method](#ruby-gem-method)
2. [GitHub Pages Compatible Method](#github-pages-compatible-method)
1. [Remove the Unnecessary](#remove-the-unnecessary)
2. [Structure](#structure)
1. [Starting Fresh](#starting-fresh)
2. [Starting from jekyll new](#starting-from-jekyll-new)
3. [Configuration](#configuration)
1. [Skin](#skin)
2. [Google Fonts](#google-fonts)
3. [Text](#text)
@ -33,26 +39,33 @@ with a few enhancements thrown in for good measure:
7. [Reading Time](#reading-time)
8. [Comments (via Disqus)](#comments-via-disqus)
9. [Google Analytics](#google-analytics)
3. [Layouts](#layouts)
4. [Layouts](#layouts)
1. [Default](#layout-default)
2. [Post](#layout-post)
3. [Page](#layout-page)
4. [Home](#layout-home)
5. [About](#layout-about)
6. [Curriculum Vitæ/Resume](#layout-cv)
4. [Customization](#customization)
5. [Customization](#customization)
1. [Overriding Includes and Layouts](#overriding-includes-and-layouts)
2. [Customizing Sass (SCSS)](#customizing-sass-scss)
3. [Customizing JavaScript](#customizing-javascript)
4. [SVG Icons](#svg-icons)
5. [Customizing Sidebar Content](#customizing-sidebar-content)
5. [Development](#development)
6. [Contributing](#contributing)
6. [Development](#development)
7. [Contributing](#contributing)
1. [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
7. [Credits](#credits)
8. [Credits](#credits)
## Installation
If you're running Jekyll v3.3+ and self-hosting you can quickly install the
theme as Ruby gem. If you're hosting with GitHub Pages you'll have to use the
"repo fork" method or directly copy all of the theme files (see
[structure](#structure) below) into your project.
### Ruby Gem Method
1. Install the theme as a Ruby Gem by adding it to your `Gemfile` like so:
@ -72,9 +85,91 @@ with a few enhancements thrown in for good measure:
theme: jekyll-theme-basically-basic
**Note:** 3rd-party Ruby gem themes aren't currently supported on sites hosted
with [GitHub Pages]( Basically Basic can still be
used on GH Pages, but you will need to fork the theme instead.
### GitHub Pages Compatible Method
Fork the [Basically Basic repo](,
then rename it to **** --- replacing **USERNAME** with your
GitHub username.
**Note:** Your Jekyll site should be viewable immediately at
<>. If it's not, you can force a rebuild by
**configuring your site** (see below for more details).
Replace the contents of `Gemfile` found in the root of your Jekyll site with
the following:
source ""
gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins
Then run `bundle update` and verify that the [GitHub Pages gem](
and its dependencies install properly.
#### Remove the Unnecessary
If you forked or downloaded the `jekyll-theme-basically-basic` repo you can
safely remove the following files and folders:
- `.codeclimate.yml`
- `.editorconfig`
- `.gitattributes`
- `.github`
- `.scss-lint.yml`
- ``
- `jekyll-theme-basically-basic.gemspec`
- ``
- `Rakefile`
- ``
- `screenshot.png`
- `/docs`
- `/example`
## Structure
Layouts, includes, Sass partials, and data files are all placed in their default
locations. Stylesheets and scripts in `assets`, and a few development related
files in the project's root directory.
**Please note:** If you installed Basically Basic via the Ruby Gem method, theme
files found in `/_layouts`, `/_includes`, `/_sass`, and `/assets` will be
missing. This is normal as they are bundled with the [`jekyll-theme-basically-basic`]( gem.
├── _data # data files
| └── theme.yml # theme settings and custom text
├── _includes # theme includes and SVG icons
├── _layouts # theme layouts (see below for details)
├── _sass # Sass partials
├── assets
| ├── javascripts
| | └── main.js
| ├── stylesheets
| | └── main.scss
├── _config.yml # sample configuration
└── # sample home page (all posts/not paginated)
### Starting Fresh
After creating a `Gemfile` and installing the theme you'll need to add and edit
the following files:
- [`_config.yml`](_config.yml)
- [`/_data/theme.yml`](_data/theme.yml)
- [``](
**Note:** Consult the [**pagination**](#pagination) documentation below for
instructions on how to enable it for the home page.
### Starting from `jekyll new`
Using the `jekyll new` command will get you up and running the quickest.
Edit `_config.yml` and create `_data/theme.yml` as instructed above and you're
good to go.
## Configuration
@ -196,13 +291,18 @@ following pagination settings:
3. Create `index.html` (or rename ``) in the root of your project and
add `layout: home` `paginate: true` to its YAML Front Matter.
add the following front matter:
layout: home
paginate: true
### Author
Author information is used as meta data for post "by lines" and propagates the
`creator` field of Twitter summary cards with the following YAML Front Matter
in `_config.yml`:
`creator` field of Twitter summary cards with the following front matter in
@ -211,8 +311,8 @@ author:
picture: /assets/images/johndoe.png
Site-wide author information can be overridden in a document's YAML Front Matter
in the same way:
Site-wide author information can be overridden in a document's front matter in
the same way:
@ -221,9 +321,9 @@ author:
picture: /assets/images/janedoe.png
Or by specifying a corresponding key in the document's YAML Front Matter, that
Or by specifying a corresponding key in the document's front matter, that
exists in ``. E.g., you have the following in the document's
YAML Front Matter:
front matter:
author: megaman
@ -268,7 +368,7 @@ with the following [environment value](
If you don't want to display comments for a particular post you can disable
them by adding `comments: false` to that post's YAML Front Matter.
them by adding `comments: false` to that post's front matter.
### Google Analytics
@ -302,7 +402,7 @@ and provide additional styling and features inside of the `{{ content }}` block.
### `layout: post`
This layout accommodates the following YAML Front Matter:
This layout accommodates the following front matter:
# optional alternate title to replace page.title at the top of the page
@ -344,7 +444,7 @@ differences.
### `layout: home`
This layout accommodates the same YAML Front Matter as `layout: page`, with the
This layout accommodates the same front matter as `layout: page`, with the
addition of the following:
@ -353,7 +453,7 @@ paginate: true # enables pagination loop, see section above for additional setu
### `layout: about`
This layout accommodates the same YAML Front Matter as `layout: page`, with the
This layout accommodates the same front matter as `layout: page`, with the
addition of the following to display an author picture:
@ -363,14 +463,14 @@ author:
Recommended `picture` size is approximately `300 x 300` pixels. If `author`
object is not explicitly set in the about page's YAML Front Matter the theme
object is not explicitly set in the about page's front matter the theme
will default to the value set in `_config.yml`.
If blank there no image will appear.
### `layout: cv`
This layout accommodates the same YAML Front Matter as `layout: page`. It
This layout accommodates the same front matter as `layout: page`. It
leverages a [JSON-based file standard]( for
resume data to conveniently render a curriculum vitæ or resume painlessly.
@ -558,8 +658,9 @@ When submitting a pull request:
`my-awesome-new-feature`) and describe the feature or fix.
3. Open a pull request on GitHub.
Sample pages can be found in the [`/docs`](docs) folder if you'd like to tackle
any "low-hanging fruit" like fixing typos, bad grammar, etc.
Sample pages can be found in the [`/docs`](docs) and [`/example`](/example)
folders if you'd like to tackle any "low-hanging fruit" like fixing typos, bad
grammar, etc.

_config.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Welcome to Jekyll!
# This config file is meant for settings that affect your whole blog, values
# which you are expected to set up once and rarely edit after that. If you find
# yourself editing this file very often, consider using Jekyll's data files
# feature for the data you need to update frequently.
# For technical reasons, this file is *NOT* reloaded automatically when you use
# 'bundle exec jekyll serve'. If you change this file, please restart the server process.
# Site settings
# These are used to personalize your new site. If you look in the HTML files,
# you will see them accessed via {{ site.title }}, {{ }}, and so on.
# You can create any custom variable you would like, and they will be accessible
# in the templates via {{ site.myvariable }}.
lang: en-US
title: My Awesome Site
baseurl: # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog
url: # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
# Build settings
markdown: kramdown
theme: jekyll-theme-basically-basic
- jekyll-feed
- jekyll-seo-tag
- jekyll-sitemap
- jekyll-paginate
path: atom.xml
# Pagination -
paginate: 10
paginate_path: /page:num/
# Exclude from processing.
# The following items will not be processed, by default. Create a custom list
# to override the default setting.
# exclude:
# - Gemfile
# - Gemfile.lock
# - node_modules
# - vendor/bundle/
# - vendor/cache/
# - vendor/gems/
# - vendor/ruby/
# Front Matter Defaults
# _posts
- scope:
path: "_posts"
type: posts
layout: post
read_time: true

3 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
layout: home