Add CLI command to GC expired emails

This commit is contained in:
Saku Laesvuori 2023-09-28 14:47:54 +03:00
parent 4f8705d681
commit b5ef36a1bb
Signed by: slaesvuo
GPG Key ID: 257D284A2A1D3A32
2 changed files with 56 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -132,6 +132,12 @@ addEmailVerification secret = do
, dBEmailVerificationExpires = expires
deleteExpiredEmails :: MonadDB m => Time -> m ()
deleteExpiredEmails time = runQuery $ delete $ do
verification <- from $ table @DBEmailVerification
where_ $ verification ^. DBEmailVerificationExpires <=. val time
updateEmail :: (MonadDB m, MonadTime m) => UserID -> Email -> Text -> m (Key DBEmail)
updateEmail user email secret = getExpireTime >>= \expires -> runQuery $ do
delete $ do

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@ -24,32 +24,41 @@ main :: IO ()
main = do
CLIOptions {..} <- execParser $ info (cliOptions <**> helper) mempty
runCLIM optionsDBUrl $ case optionsSubCommand of
AddUser {..} -> do
time <- currentTime
passwordHash <- putStr "Password: " >> liftIO (withoutInputEcho getLine) >>= hashPassword
userID <- addUser $ DBUser
{ dBUserRegistered = time
, dBUserToBeDeleted = Nothing
, dBUserPasswordCrypt = passwordHash
, dBUserPermissions = show addUserPermissions
, dBUserAccepted = Just time
, dBUserSeceded = Nothing
, dBUserRejected = Nothing
, dBUserMemberData = toJSON $ MemberData
{ nickname = addUserNickname
, name = addUserName
, birthdate = addUserBirthdate
, homeplace = addUserHomeplace
, application = addUserApplication
, phoneNumber = addUserPhoneNumber
_ <- addEmail $ DBEmail
{ dBEmailUid = toDBKey userID
, dBEmailEmail = addUserEmail
, dBEmailVerificationSecret = Nothing
pure ()
(AddUser addUserOpts) -> addUserMain addUserOpts
GCEmails -> gcEmailsMain
addUserMain :: AddUserOpts -> CLIM ()
addUserMain AddUserOpts {..} = do
time <- currentTime
passwordHash <- putStr "Password: " >> liftIO (withoutInputEcho getLine) >>= hashPassword
userID <- addUser $ DBUser
{ dBUserRegistered = time
, dBUserToBeDeleted = Nothing
, dBUserPasswordCrypt = passwordHash
, dBUserPermissions = show addUserPermissions
, dBUserAccepted = Just time
, dBUserSeceded = Nothing
, dBUserRejected = Nothing
, dBUserMemberData = toJSON $ MemberData
{ nickname = addUserNickname
, name = addUserName
, birthdate = addUserBirthdate
, homeplace = addUserHomeplace
, application = addUserApplication
, phoneNumber = addUserPhoneNumber
_ <- addEmail $ DBEmail
{ dBEmailUid = toDBKey userID
, dBEmailEmail = addUserEmail
, dBEmailVid = Nothing
pure ()
gcEmailsMain :: CLIM ()
gcEmailsMain = do
time <- currentTime
deleteExpiredEmails time
cliOptions :: Parser CLIOptions
cliOptions = CLIOptions
@ -59,9 +68,10 @@ cliOptions = CLIOptions
cliCommandParser :: Parser CLISubCommand
cliCommandParser = hsubparser
$ command "add-user" (info addUserCommand (progDesc "Add a user to datarekisteri"))
<> command "gc-expired-emails" (info (pure GCEmails) (progDesc "Delete emails that have not been verified in time."))
addUserCommand :: Parser CLISubCommand
addUserCommand = AddUser
addUserCommand = fmap AddUser $ AddUserOpts
<$> optional (strOption (long "nickname" <> metavar "NAME"))
<*> strOption (long "name" <> metavar "NAME")
<*> option (maybeReader $ toDate . toText) (long "birthdate" <> metavar "DATE" <> help "The user's birthdate, YYYY-MM-DD")
@ -81,16 +91,19 @@ data CLIOptions = CLIOptions
, optionsSubCommand :: CLISubCommand
data CLISubCommand = AddUser
{ addUserNickname :: Maybe Text
, addUserName :: Text
, addUserBirthdate :: Date
, addUserHomeplace :: Text
, addUserPhoneNumber :: PhoneNumber
, addUserEmail :: Email
, addUserPermissions :: Map Scope Permission
, addUserApplication :: Text
data CLISubCommand = AddUser AddUserOpts
| GCEmails
data AddUserOpts = AddUserOpts
{ addUserNickname :: Maybe Text
, addUserName :: Text
, addUserBirthdate :: Date
, addUserHomeplace :: Text
, addUserPhoneNumber :: PhoneNumber
, addUserEmail :: Email
, addUserPermissions :: Map Scope Permission
, addUserApplication :: Text
newtype CLIM a = CLIM (ReaderT String IO a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader String)