Enable updating applications

This commit is contained in:
Saku Laesvuori 2023-10-31 09:27:27 +02:00
parent cd3e45a045
commit 1074b6a2d5
Signed by: slaesvuo
GPG Key ID: 257D284A2A1D3A32
8 changed files with 21 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -82,12 +82,14 @@ sendVerificationSecret DBUser {..} = do
sendVerificationEmail secret' pendingEmail' >> pure True
_ -> pure False
updateArgsToData :: (MonadTime m, MonadRandom m, MonadError GQLError m) =>
updateArgsToData :: (MonadTime m, MonadRandom m, MonadError GQLError m, MonadDB m) =>
UpdateArgs -> UserID -> m UpdateData
updateArgsToData UpdateArgs {..} user = do
when (maybe False T.null name) $ throwError "Name must not be empty"
when (maybe False T.null password) $ throwError "Password must not be empty"
when (maybe False T.null homeplace) $ throwError "Homeplace must not be empty"
isMember <- dbGetUser user >>= liftDBEither >>= fmap isJust . dbUserAccepted
when (isMember && isJust application) $ throwError "Members can't update their applications"
passwordHash <- sequence $ hashPassword <$> password
updateTime <- currentTime
verificationSecret <- genVerificationSecret
@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ data UpdateArgs = UpdateArgs
, name :: Maybe Text
, nickname :: Maybe Text
, homeplace :: Maybe Text
, application :: Maybe Text
} deriving (Generic, GQLType, Eq, Show)
data NewKeyArgs = NewKeyArgs { comment :: Maybe Text, keyData :: Base64, expires :: Maybe Time }

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ dbUpdateUser UpdateData {..} = do
, SetUserNickname . Just <$> nickname
, SetUserHomeplace <$> homeplace
, SetUserPhoneNumber <$> phoneNumber
, SetUserApplication <$> application
userUpdates = maybeToList $ (SqlUserPasswordCrypt =.) <$> passwordHash
sqlUser <- runQuery $ do

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@ -229,9 +229,11 @@ updateUserData user updates memberDataUpdates = do
updateData (SetUserNickname x) memberData = memberData { nickname = x }
updateData (SetUserHomeplace x) memberData = memberData { homeplace = x }
updateData (SetUserPhoneNumber x) memberData = memberData { phoneNumber = x }
updateData (SetUserApplication x) memberData = memberData { application = x }
Persist.update key (userUpdates <> updates)
data UserUpdate = SetUserName Text
| SetUserNickname (Maybe Text)
| SetUserHomeplace Text
| SetUserPhoneNumber PhoneNumber
| SetUserApplication Text

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@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ data UpdateData = UpdateData
, name :: Maybe Text
, nickname :: Maybe Text
, homeplace :: Maybe Text
, application :: Maybe Text
, user :: UserID
, updateTime :: Time
, verificationSecret :: Text

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ type Mutation {
apply(email: Email!, phoneNumber: PhoneNumber!, password: String!, name: String!, nickname: String, birthdate: Date!, homeplace: String!, application: String!): User!
verifyEmail(secret: String!): Unit!
resendVerificationEmail(user: UserID): Unit!
update(email: Email, phoneNumber: PhoneNumber, password: String, name: String, nickname: String, homeplace: String, user: UserID): User!
update(email: Email, phoneNumber: PhoneNumber, password: String, name: String, nickname: String, homeplace: String, application: String, user: UserID): User!
newToken(comment: String, name: String, permissions: String): Token!
newKey(comment: String, keyData: Base64!, expires: Time): PGPKey!
accept(user: UserID!): Unit!

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@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ telephoneField = Field
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
textareaField' = checkMMap (pure . Right . unTextarea :: Textarea -> Handler (Either Text Text))
Textarea textareaField
verifiedPasswordField :: Field Handler Text
verifiedPasswordField = Field
{ fieldParse = \rawValues _ ->

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@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ applyForm = renderDivs $ ApplyArgs
where dayField' :: Field Handler Date
dayField' = checkMMap (pure . Right . Date :: Day -> Handler (Either Text Date))
(\(Date x) -> x) dayField
textareaField' = checkMMap (pure . Right . unTextarea :: Textarea -> Handler (Either Text Text))
Textarea textareaField
nameSettings = "Nimi" {fsAttrs = [("placeholder","Erkki Juhani Esimerkki")]}
nicknameSettings = "Kutsumanimi" {fsAttrs = [("placeholder","Juhani")]}
homeplaceSettings = "Kotipaikka" {fsAttrs = [("placeholder","Espoo")]}

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@ -37,14 +37,15 @@ query ProfilePage($id: UserID) {
declareLocalTypesInline "schema.gql" [raw|
mutation UpdateProfile($user: UserID, $name: String, $homeplace: String, $nickname: String, $email: Email, $phoneNumber: PhoneNumber) {
update(user: $user, name: $name, homeplace: $homeplace, nickname: $nickname, email: $email, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber) {
mutation UpdateProfile($user: UserID, $name: String, $homeplace: String, $nickname: String, $email: Email, $phoneNumber: PhoneNumber, $application: String) {
update(user: $user, name: $name, homeplace: $homeplace, nickname: $nickname, email: $email, phoneNumber: $phoneNumber, application: $application) {
@ -73,9 +74,12 @@ profileForm userID user extraHtml = do
(maybe Nothing (\x -> Just $ let ProfilePageUser {..} = x in email) user)
(phoneNumberRes, phoneNumberView) <- mopt telephoneField "Puhelinnumero"
(Just $ maybe Nothing (\x -> Just $ let ProfilePageUser {..} = x in phoneNumber) user)
(applicationRes, applicationView) <- mopt textareaField' "Jäsenhakemus"
(Just $ maybe Nothing (\x -> Just $ let ProfilePageUser {..} = x in application) user)
let profileUpdateRes = UpdateProfileArgs userID <$>
nameRes <*> homeRes <*> nicknameRes <*> emailRes <*> phoneNumberRes
nameRes <*> homeRes <*> nicknameRes <*> emailRes <*> phoneNumberRes <*> applicationRes
maybePendingEmail = user >>= \x -> let ProfilePageUser {..} = x in pendingEmail
canUpdateApplication = maybe False (\x -> let ProfilePageUser {..} = x in not isMember) user
inputField FieldView {..} = [whamlet|
<label for="#{fvId}">
@ -93,6 +97,8 @@ profileForm userID user extraHtml = do
<a href="mailto:#{renderEmail pendingEmail}">#{renderEmail pendingEmail}
odottaa vahvistusta. #
<a href="@{VerifyEmailR}">Siirry vahvistamaan
$if canUpdateApplication
^{inputField applicationView}
return (profileUpdateRes, widget)